I have been kicking around this idea for some time now. I have used information people have sent me in the past to create a post or three, but never full on credit to the writer or back links to their own blog. I have been selfish in a way; I am not always the best when it comes to sharing. However, some people have made a promising argument in favor of having guest bloggers write on my blog, The Sting of the Scorpion. Now that I have given this some thought I have a few ideas on what I am looking for as far as articles, short stories, and posts. Subject matter is relatively subjective as far as I am concerned. Meaning, do a little research and see what kind of stuff I write about and try to keep that as the direction you head in. Also, you can look into The Archives and see past guest blogger's posts. At the The Sting of the Scorpion's blog there isn’t an actual direction or purpose that is used as guidance for myself. I like things that make a person think, scratch their head, and ask WTF. However, most of what I do write about is what I see as I live my life. So, keep that in mind, the freedom of subject matter is pretty open. But, I will not allow racist rants, selling a product or service, or political nonsense since this is not the platform you are looking for to run for office.
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Just click HERE for the e-mail address or follow the e-mail link at the top right corner of either blog.
One final note I will add, only as a precaution, because in the end
nothing will get published without my absolute dictator approval, that’s
just the way it will be. So, when you decide you have your final
product you can e-mail it to me then it will be formatted into my blog. I
don’t edit, I don’t proof read for type “o”s, so the only thing I will
be looking for is allowable content. When it comes to pictures let it be
known that they are fine as well. If you snatch a picture off the web
or from where ever, give the person or place credit. I personally have a
disclaimer on my blogs. But, I like visual interpretation, pictures
make a point many times. I am not particular on pictures either, as
y’all can tell. But, I do ask that there be no full on nudity because
they will not be allowed in the actual post.
Now, what do you as the writer get back in return? Nothing actually.
There is no fame or fortune here. But, I will put your name up in lights
here at The Sting of the Scorpion blog. I will put a back link for your
blog so people can find you and I will give the link to the post to put
on your blog is so desired. I will promote your post on Blogcatalog, Facebook, and Pintrest. I don’t personally deal with Twitter or any other social media outlets so that would be my actual pushing end.
So, are you interested? Good, comment here and send me an e-mail HERE and we can get started.
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